Su's RR is leaving for The Netherlands!

Su got back to me about how she wants each block signed - basically, any way you want! OK, I went with my name, town, state and country :-) It is nice and dry (even a bit sunny) here today - at last! So, I cleaned off a little table on the porch, put down a towel and took a photo for Su and everyone else to see of how her whole RR piece looks now! OK, some of the empty squares are a little cut off, I wanted to focus in a little on the stitched work.... So, if I get a chance to do so today, this will go off to Annemarie today! Otherwise, Mike assures me it will be posted tomorrow (I will let Su and Annemarie know for sure which day - it all depends on when the insurance adjustor finally shows up to look at the damage to Mike's rim and tire that he did up in Maine last week! Argh)
Personally, I love how Su's RR looks so far! I hope everyone else enjoys it as much as I have!
(Ooops! I just noticed that you cannot see my signature on the block - that too was out of camera range LOL!)

You surely can barely make out the signature, but here is a pic that was not zoomed in and you can see where the signature is at least placed!
Carol, this looks great. Everything is so balanced and coordinates so well.
Thanks Barbara! I think my house is such a different style than the ones Su stitched, but that is kind of the idea right?? Anyhow... I just want her to be pleased with it when she gets home, and so far, her feedback has been excellent. Now I am dying to get Veronica's but the official mailing is not for another month.
It's beautiful already! So interesting to look at and so colorful!
It looks wonderful, I love it I really do. Thankyou for posting such brilliant pictures, Ohh I'm all excited LOL!!! I have nearly finished my square on mums and I hope to get it off to you next week, I will take some pics as soon as I have finished.
Yay! I am very much looking forward to Veronica's RR!! Su's will go to Annemarie tomorrow. I totally forgot that Mike had no car today due to having that tire fixed that he scuffed up at the hotel last week! The car is back now and the package is in the front seating awaiting its trip to the post office :-)
It looks really nice seeing the full picture Carol :-)
Very nice Carol I am enjoying watching these grow. Veronica
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