Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Veronica's arrived today!

It's so pretty-very nice everyone! I'm really impressed by the pond area-love it! It really looks like a quaint English town. Can't wait to get stitching on my last NRR. It really won't be long for everyone now.

I actually picked out two patterns from Castles and Cottages a book by Jane Greenoff. I was a bit stumped until I looked at the postcard Veronica enclosed. I had the book set aside anyway! I will give you a hint-what I chose will also go nicely with the middle design and Barbara's. I had to hand pick the DMC as I wasn't sure what colors were listed in the book. This will allow me to get to a bit more creative too. I have a few stitches in this piece already.



At 8:34 PM, June 27, 2007, Blogger mainely stitching said...

:) Glad you like the pond area. Can't wait to see a picture with Rachael's block stitched in.

At 12:03 AM, June 28, 2007, Blogger Rachael said...

I am so glad you got that so quickly. I was just going to write and say you should have it by Saturday. Yes- please do post a picture. My internet at home was not fixed by the time I left and I don't have the software to download pix here. Thanks.

At 10:55 PM, June 28, 2007, Blogger mainely stitching said...

It was those postcards that Veronica enclosed that finally turned the lightbulb on in my brain, too. I did a Google search after that for more inspiration.

At 10:47 AM, June 29, 2007, Blogger lena-lou said...

Absolutely brillliant Rachael, I love it VERY much thank-you :) I have enjoyed stitching on all these RR's and I am sad it has all come to an end...

At 10:55 AM, June 29, 2007, Blogger lena-lou said...

Ooops sorry the message above is from Veronica but she forgot to sign off ;-)

I think it is fab as well Rachael!!

At 12:45 PM, June 30, 2007, Blogger Susimac said...

Its lovely Rachael, I love all the bee hives and flowers.


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