Saturday, September 22, 2007

Finished neighbourhoods

Has everyone got their NRR's home now? Have we got any more pictures to share? Our blog seems to have stopped come on girls haven't we any more to share?


At 6:07 PM, September 22, 2007, Blogger mainely stitching said...

Oh, gosh, no! The final round isn't officially finished until 15 October, right? I still have Rachael's and I know that Annemarie still has mine. I suspect that An's is still being mistakenly routed around the globe in transit from Carol. There's still A LOT to see and share!!

At 8:58 PM, September 22, 2007, Blogger Rachael said...

I still have Dianne's too, although I am a workin' on it. Carol is going ot send her's back to me after I get back from Virginia and I will try and get right on it. I think there will still be lots to see.

At 5:24 PM, September 23, 2007, Blogger Carol said...

Nope! You are the only lucky one (and Veronica too, I think). Becky has mine and when she sends it to me I will send it to Rachael... and...sigh... I sent An's home over a month ago, and it is lost in the mail!!!! :-(

At 6:53 AM, September 26, 2007, Blogger Dianne said...

I was wondering if An has checked her post office? Sometimes they dont deliver big envelopes for some reason? Once a friend sent a package to her parents in Austria and it went to Australia first! I wonder where An's is-Thailand or Nepal maybe? I hope not! The postal service in these parts is pretty much on the ball which helps when I send packages for eBay.


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